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Monday 2 February 2015

Which Programming Language should I Learn First

What Programming Language should I learn First?

This is a question that I myself asked a thousand times when I was a first time learner. Though I am still a total newbie in programming... :P

Deciding the first programming language is a topic that is still under debate among experts as well as beginners.Cause there are thousands of options to choose from. You can ask ten programmers what the best programming language is to get your feet wet with, and you could get ten different answers. Which language you start with depends not only on how beginner-friendly it is, though, but also the kind of projects you want to work on, why you're interested in coding in the first place, and perhaps also whether you're thinking of doing this for a living. Here are some considerations and suggestions to help you decide.

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.
– Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux)

Some Most-Often Recommended Programming Languages For Beginners :

Most of the "mainstream" programming languages—such as C, Java, C#, Perl, Ruby, and Python—can do nearly the same tasks as the others. Java, for example, works cross-platform and is used for web apps and applets, but Ruby also can do large web apps and Python apps similarly run on Linux and Windows. Because many languages are modeled after each other, the syntax or structure of working on them is often nearly identical, so learning one often helps with learning the others. However they differ, in how easy they are to set up and work with.

  • C - Most Popular  :


    C is one of most widely used programming languages.  C is a "machine level" language, so you'll learn how a program interacts with the hardware and learn the fundamentals of programming at the lowest hardware level (C is the foundation for Linux/GNU). You learn things like debugging programs, memory management, and how computers work that you don't get from higher level languages like Java—all while prepping you to code efficiently for other languages. C is the "grandfather" of many other higher level languages, including Java, C#, and JavaScript which means all these languages and many others are written in C.

    That said, coding in C is a little difficult and has a steeper learning curve than other languages, and if you're not planning on working on programs that interface with the hardware like tapping into device drivers, for example, or operating system extensions, learning C will add to your education time, perhaps unnecessarily. There has been a lot of debate on C being the first programming language. However, personally, I don't think it's a  very beginner-friendly language. It'll teach you discipline, but you'll have to learn an awful lot before you can make anything useful. Also, because it's so strict you might end up frustrated. So basically I won't recommend learning C as a first language. 
  • Java - Most Practicle Language to Learn :


    Java is the second most popular programming language, it's been taught for decades. Java enforces solid Object Oriented principles (OOP) that are used in modern languages including C++, Perl, Python, and PHP. Once you've learned Java, you can learn other OOP languages pretty easily.
    Java has the advantage of a long history of usage. It's widely used for many purposes (including Android app development), so it's a very practical language to learn.Though you won't get machine-level control, as you would with C, but you'll be able to access as well as manipulate the most important computer parts like the filesystem, graphics, and sound for any fairly sophisticated and modern program—that can run on any operating system.

  • Python - Easy To Learn But Powerful :


    Now let me admit, I'm a python fan. It was my first programming language, and believe me it is really easy to learn Python. So, there will be a lot of discussions about python in this blog in near future..

    Many people recommend Python as the best beginner language because of its simplicity yet great capabilities. The code is easy to read and enforces good programming style (like indenting), without being overly strict about syntax (things like remembering to add a semicolon at the end of each line). Python is an absolute must for beginners who want to get their feet wet with Linux (or are already familiar with Linux). Python's popularity is also rising quickly today thanks to wide adoption on popular websites like Pinterest and Instagram. Sites like Google, Youtube also uses Python.

    So, basically Python is not only easy to learn and super flexible programming language, it has a vast implementation in the world as well. And I personally will recommend everyone to learn Python.
  • HTML/CSS - For Building Websites :


    Though HTML is not actually a programming language,(It is a markup language). But If you want to build websites on your own, or you plan to make your career in web development or something you have to master HTML as well as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

    If you are interested in HTML/CSS there are plenty of useful sites to learn it. Like Codecademy, w3schools etc.
  • JavaScript - For Building Interactive Websites :


    JavaScript (of little relation to Java) requires the least amount of set up to get started with, since it's already built into web browsers. A lot of people also recommend you start with JavaScript because it has a relatively forgiving syntax (you can code loosely in JavaScript), you see immediate results from your code, and you don't need a lot of tools. If you want to make cool interactive things for the web, JavaScript is a must-have skill.

Friday 23 January 2015

5 Reasons Everyone Should Learn To Code

As I always say Coding is an Art... But it is not necessary that everyone in this world should master this art. I mean really, if everyone in this world is a master coder, than no company will hire software developers to build software, the managers will do it themselves... Result, More unemployment... :-P 

But the point is everyone should learn the very basic of coding. Cause learning how to code doesn't only increases the chance of better jobs, it teaches us how to solve problems, how to think... 

As steve jobs said - 

"I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think."

So here are 10 reasons why everyone (not only people who are in technology field or pursuing or something but everyone) should learn the basics of how to program a computer.

  1. Improves Problem Solving Skills :

    Doesn't matter if you are doing a full-time job, or pursuing your mba, or any other course related or unrelated to computers, problem solving skills are must in every field. Programming teaches us how to think, how to break problems into parts and solve it.

    Additionally the benefits of coding don’t have to be tech related either. Some of the top lawyers work in law firms where they query candidates if they have programming backgrounds. Why? Check the heading of this point... :-D
  2. Encourages Creativity :

    Programming is a great example of thinking outside the box because, well, you’re creating the box. A lot of the times, the most interested of coders will start from the ground up. Most of the coders find many creative solution to a single problem.  They’ll spend hours at a time working on fun projects for themselves. These projects can be anything, as simple as adding numbers, asking your name, or even building a market changing software or app. Why? Check the last point.In the world of computers nothing is worthless. Everything teaches you something.
  3. Encourages Entrepreneurship :

    The prospect of starting your own company is one that excites many people. By learning programming, you clarify your business model and learn the limitations and strengths of what type of product you’re trying to provide. In TechCrunch’s Disrupt conference, many of the startup companies were comprised of people who had no programming experience. “You just need to know your multiplication table,” said CEO Tony Hsieh. “It’s really not all that difficult.”

    I mean really, Who knows that you guys find coding such a fun job, that some of you create the next Facebook or Whatsapp etc. Nothing is impossible... :-)
  4. Enhances Technical Knowledge : 

    Whether you are starting your own company, managing a team, a project or simply looking for someone to get a website up, learning programming allows you to get a technical leverage. Depending on how much you’ve exposed yourself to coding and the goal you’re trying to accomplish, having a coding background allows you to make sound decisions in cases that could also happen in a variety of industries such as health care.
  5. Better Job Aspects :

    After all these points this point seems obvious to me. In this generation where children are born with smart phones in their hands, programming is becoming a must have skills in all fields. So, A good programming background can open a lot of new possibilities in every market.

  6. Coding Is Fun (Extra) :

    Last but not the least, Coding is fun. If you like challenging yourself, if you have the guts not to give up on a problem, if you like building things you will fall in love with programming...

     A video can teach us lot more than an article. So here is one of my favorite videos you will also love watching... Watch all these big guys of tech industry sharing their experiences of coding with the world...

Thursday 22 January 2015

The Aim Of This Blog - Learn To Code

Coding is an art. And like any other art it takes a lot of effort and practice of year to master it.
But everyone should atleast learn a bit of coding. So this blog is dedicated to all those who want to learn Programming, those who enjoy learning and for those who love to know about new technologies...

"The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. You're going to look like you have magic powers compared to everybody else "

This blog will mainly contain-
  • Tutorials on Programming 
  • Useful, funny codes to learn programming
  • Tips & Tricks about Programming
  • News on latest Technologies

So follow this blog and learn to code.Happy reading and happy Coding...